It's the 23rd. The day all good little chaos magicians launch a sigil. And sure enough I launched mine. Not in the usual messy way, no wet wipes necessary. Used a particular protocol that eventually involved psionics. The usual patron spirit devotion, uncrossing, so I'm feeling virtuous. Had a ton of other spells planned, as usual. Follow up some leads, and such. About a year ago I finished a cycle of 23 sigils on the 23rd. So just under a 2 years, it was convoluted and pretentious in scope, I had grand plans and can't rightly say that any of it manifested yet, but I did it. Think I'll start another one, 23 sigils on the 23rd. Any and all methods, stand alone sigils, sigil shoals as Mr.White is fond of. No theme, or grand plans. Just 23 months, on the 23rd. I should/could/might/will do a run of a sigil a day at some point. But that will be all for now. Wake up, do it again.
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