
Showing posts from January, 2019

Already done.

Was just thinking about how I didn't feel like doing any more magic today. Then I remembered that I did Road Opening this morning, so I'm covered for the day. Need a lot more actually, but got that down at least.

Mop up on aisle 23.

Okay, so we got some results today and now it's time to follow up on those results. More road opening, more uncrossing, more fast luck, and attraction... MORE. And towards that end, it's time for more offerings.

One of those days.

So, it's been one of those days.  Days where I've been so wrapped up in the doing of things that I "barely" got any magic done. Unless you don't count the usual uncrossing, ongoing job seeking spell, patron spirit devotion, and high falutin' pretentious magic stuff. I really should get on that sigil thing shouldn't I?


Today was a fairly good day. Felt a wave of possibility surrounding me. Only did an uncrossing and my usual devotion today, but it felt good... ...oh, yeah. Forgot the special project. That was really good. So, special psionics project, job seeking, uncrossing and devotion. That was what we had going on. More, further and more yet again tomorrow. Be seeing you.


Did  a bunch of magic today. Fast luck spells, more job seeking, more road opening. Some big ol' pretentious conceptual magic stuff. Yeah, lots of magic stuff. And even more before I lay down my weary head. Wake up, do it again.

No progress.

So today's been a day of very little progress. Daily devotion of course. I've been flying under the flag of a single patron, good or bad that's what I've been doing. Deepening a single relationship. Might need some additional help though. Might be time to call in some consultants. Made some moves today though, plotting a course working through the next steps. Found a cache of old sigils that were never launched. Brings my over all tally of "to be launched" sigils to over 100 now haha. But that's not the same as actually doing magic. And that's that. Did some uncrossing. The usual. Wake up do it again.

Modest progress

So another minor win today, but not a full win. It's easy to forget about doing certain kinds of magic when focused on shifting one's own situation. Stuff like multi-day on going spells, Psionics is a lot like that. "Set it and forget it" is easy to forget. Did work the last few days for some friends in dire straights. That was doing magic. On going job and business spells, those count too. My "wins" today came after uncrossing, and all the other work. Is the daily devotion doing much? Well, it's been daily and the wins are getting more frequent. Lots of "in theory" thinking today, new stratagem to employ. Wake up, do it again tomorrow.

The Switch Up.

So I switched it up a bit, and shifted from the business/money drawing spell I had working to some job drawing work. And I've spent all day chasing after those opportunities. Not my ideal, but still worth pursuing. And the usual patron devotions and petitions. That's all for now, wake up and do it again tomorrow.

The 23rd.

It's the 23rd. The day all good little chaos magicians launch a sigil. And sure enough I launched mine. Not in the usual messy way, no wet wipes necessary. Used a particular protocol that eventually involved psionics. The usual patron spirit devotion, uncrossing,  so I'm feeling virtuous. Had a ton of other spells planned, as usual. Follow up some leads, and such. About a year ago I finished a cycle of 23 sigils on the 23rd. So just under a 2 years, it was convoluted and pretentious in scope, I had grand plans and can't rightly say that any of it manifested yet, but I did it. Think I'll start another one, 23 sigils on the 23rd. Any and all methods, stand alone sigils, sigil shoals as Mr.White is fond of. No theme, or grand plans. Just 23 months, on the 23rd. I should/could/might/will do a run of a sigil a day at some point. But that will be all for now. Wake up, do it again.

I need to start carrying a notebook.

I had some sort of clever title/theme for today's entry, forgot it. Did 4 radionic operations, 3 minor candle spells, an uncrossing, patron devotion. Cumulative action, hopefully it will lead to intelligent action. Had even more plans, wake up do it again tomorrow.

Last week of January.

So, it's the beginning of the last week of January. Is this statistically the time when most New Year's resolutions die? Most of mine have been fumbled. I've posted here every day so far. I've maintained my daily devotion to my patron spirit on the idea that a strong connection and relationship to on powerful spirit is more effective than calling on 10 spirits a la carte. Mustering up much more at the moment seems beyond me. But hack and slash my way out of this pit I will. I'll keep after it.

Even worse.

Another day of barely not deleting this blog, and all of my social media. Should probably double down on uncrossing, and road opening. Did my patron devotion. That's all I've got for today.

Continuing on with a theme...

Today was a day of patron devotion. Didn't do any other magic. It's been a very crap day. Ill will, feeling the weight of the negative aspects of my situation, the advantages, and progress erased. Looking for angles on how to leverage what can be leveraged before it all comes falling down. That's it for today. Wake up, try something else tomorrow.

Yet another another day

Another day of having done some magic and not so much wanting to post about it here. But every day is every day. So here I am.

Something must be done.

So, today is a write off. Patron devotion is the only magic done. Spent the day rehashing the hypersigil nonsense, alternative reality gaming, Ong's Hat, burroughs, the Process, TOPY, the usual. Week 3 of 2019 and we're in the shitter in terms of sticking to the new year's program. So, get back on that horse, wake up and do it again tomorrow.

What was I just complaining about?

So after no visible result from my efforts today I got three nibbles. Not nearly enough, but more than I had yesterday. Rivulets. I need streams, rivers, oceans. More uncrossings, more road opening, more devotion work and petitions to my patron. More divination. The cliche "butterfly" effect, I got a puff of air from the butterfly's wing, but I need enough wind to catch a sail and correct my course. So, more work. More action, more. Wake up, and do it again tomorrow.

Another day of bad attitude.

So, another day of useless real world action. Patron devotion. Road opening work seems to be generating less effect today. More uncrossing tomorrow. That's it.

I am missing the point, and continuing on anyway.

As a diary of magical practice this is complete crap. I'm not going to let that stop me. Not going to let a lack of fresh, relevant, or useful insights stop me either. If my struggle with resistance, inertia and 4 decades of laziness are banal and trite, I'm not going to let it stop me. Today I've uncrossed myself, done some money drawing, practiced my devotions to my patron spirit. I'll probably end the day with some more road opening, and perhaps work with a few other spirits. Not sure why I'd flip a switch and be able to follow a program of all out effort on Jan.1st. Don't care, I'm still making some effort, and hopefully it will get more intelligent and productive as I go along. I have the possibly vain and ill conceived hope that eventually some of these posts will become informative and thoughtful, but in lieu of that I'll continue daily. Daily with the posts, daily with some form of magic. Even if it's trite and over done. Every day. And I...

Almost didn't post today.

I wanted to go to bed instead. But here it is. Made some plans for magic. Did some of it, money drawing, steady work. Patron devotion. Not much, not earth shattering, but I did it. Still no deep thoughts, just wake up, do it again tomorrow.

And yet another day of resistance.

Would probably like to delete this blog now. And I won't. On the magic front, so far just patron devotion. Got an inspiration to dust off the radionic boxes and do some psionics, haven't done it yet. And I don't feel like blogging it today. Bah.

And goes.

Not feeling the blogging today. If I knew a spell or spirit who unclogs toilets I'd use it. Since I don't it's plunger time. Nothing other than patron devotion today.

So it goes.

Today was a day of real world actions. Following up on the opportunities that the Road Opening work opened up. Could probably have applied some divination to my actions, but I'll sort it out later. Patron devotion is the only magic done today.

Not much.

Another day of not much activity. Uncrossed. Patron devotion. Did some divination aimed at figuring the way forward and came away a little disappointed that the result seemed to indicate slower progress than I'd like, but so it goes. Wake up do it again, tomorrow with resumes.

Paralysis of Analysis.

Well, today has been more dicking around wondering what and how to do it than doing it. Two small road openings, 3 mojo feedings, pacts made (n keeping with the projected trajectory.) 4 candle spells so far. No uncrossings yet. No sigils launched. And too much time spent wondering what and how to do it next. Wake up, do it again tomorrow. Be Seeing You.

7 Days and Resistance is Here.

Only 7 days in to the year and again I want to delete the blog. Magically the only thing that's been accomplished today is a session of deep meditation, which arguably isn't even magic. Was a time when I did only meditative and energy practices and disdained to do any type of magic at all. Well, those days are over. The laundry list of magic tools and practices that I'm not using in my pocket grows. Today I may manage a little minor road opening, the spirit devotion is a given. I haven't completely regressed, but as Joey Diaz said I'm in no danger of moving ahead. Bright side, dietary efforts are going well. Food boredom has set in, I see that as a good sign. I suppose. When I eventually do break down and cave it will be a package of blueberries. That's it for a day 7 post I didnt' even want to write. Be seeing you.

Wake up do it again.

Good stuff happened today. Think I'll keep it up with this magic shit. Did the road opening, usual devotions, the uncrossing. Wake up. Do it again.

And so I did...

I did my Road Opening again last night. And another small one again today. My devotional work to my patron spirit is daily and ongoing. I always mean to petition for more, ask more strategically do more spells under their flag, etc. I usually just stick to the devotion. Maybe this is a fault and a sticking point that needs addressing.We'll address it. For now taking the basic building blocks of how I want to construct my life and applying them doesn't seem to be the 1000% or nothing effort I wanted it to be. Bit by bit we're getting there. I've already done as many if not more road openings and uncrossings as I did all year last year I think, or close to it. On the near horizon "to do" is evaluating and doing divination for various directions and practices. Should I add more spirits to work with? Which ones? It occurred to me the other night that I could devote my life 100% to one particular area of interest, a particular practice I am already well versed in. ...

4 Days Into the New Year, Complete Regression

I have expected hiccups, and my own inertia has obliged. Although external circumstance has slowed my progress with bureaucratic hurdles today, by far my own slipping back into wallowing in social media and streaming today has cost me forward momentum. Tomorrow's another day to begin with a "golden hour" devoted to self study and project management and such, today on the magical front so far we have only accomplished an uncrossing bath. Patron spirit devotion is next, here at the end of the day but road opening to claw a bit wider at the ...nah, fuck it. Y'know what? I'm a do the Road Opening too goddamnit. Fuckin' ay right I will. Maybe I didn't live my day in an algorithm of self actualized perfection, but I don't have to go out like a punk. Be seeing you.

Road Opening... yay.

The raft of e-mails I sent out yesterday have borne fruit. A single fruit, but I'll take it. One of those "unpaid opportunities." Now to spin it up into the kinds of opportunities I need, the paying kind LOL. More Road Opening, more opportunity drawing, more direct influence. Ended the day yesterday with devotional work to my patron spirit with general requests for aid. Time to get way more specific. In Elements of Spellcrafting, Jason Miller writes about making your life enchantable. Although there are aspects of my life that are so, over all I'd say I haven't made my life "very enchantable." Yet. So this raft of emails I sent back bringing a single opportunity back is nice. There's been a bit too much social media in the last few days, and last night I gave in a watched a bit of YouTube. Not what I had planned. Today's a new day, I can always not watch streaming video today. :) Nothing really profound to add today. Just keep at it, th...

Burn Out, So Soon?

Ha! Pushed it hard yesterday. Drank a big ol' jug of coffee. Felt terrible about the state of my life and how much work it's going to take to get myself out of this hole I put myself in... ...and then at 2am I went from a deep sleep to 100% wakefulness. And that's why jugs of coffee weren't in my rotation in 2018. So maybe I didn't get everything wrong. And I did very nice Road Opening work, Uncrossing baths, and patron spirit devotional work yesterday as well. Today I've humped it through basic real world obligations and efforts, and done exactly only one magical thing, an Uncrossing bath... the apartment is/was in disarray and needed a lot more attention that one more candle spell. There will be more before I lapse into unconsciousness, but probably not much in the way of spectacular effort. The flow charts and schedules continue and will persist... Nuff said. Be seeing you.

Nothing Ever Changes On New Year's Day

And....BLAM! Here we are January 1st 2019. The year that a group of android Replicants jumped a shuttle off world, killed the crew and passengers and tried to infiltrate the Tyrell Corporation... Welcome to the World of the Future. New Year, Same Me. Which is both a blessing and curse I suppose. A blessing because I've got all kinds of awesome resources to put to use. A curse because my cultural references (see above) mean I'm old. (Old-ish.) And there's also my inertia. I've been hacking away since 9am, and a giant thermos of coffee at my "Battle Plan." The Ready, Fire, Aim, principle of having to wing it today without a 100% certain plan in effect for Day 1. So far today, aside from the usual banging about trying to work out the best path forward, I've managed to do some Tarot readings for the year ahead, (Things are murky, but potentially not hopeless), shuffle around some more sigils that are in need of launching, arrange my deck chairs on the Titanic....